There are many ways playing the right song for your girlfriend and sometimes it can go wrong, from a long awkward silence to frantically searching for the song or simply letting the moment pass by. When it comes to setting the mood, it is all about the music you put on. These songs that dedicate to your girlfriend will keep her smiling and remind her of you every time she hears it.

20 Beautiful Songs to Dedicate to Your Girlfriend
This Is the Last Time, The National
While this song can be interpreted a number of ways, one thing for certain is that it will keep her thinking about you. When you just want to send her a quick reminder of you, this is the song to have her listen to.
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow, Amy Winehouse
It is hard to find a cover song that can compare to the original, but Amy Winehouse does a phenomenal job with this one. Her captivating voice brings life to this version of Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow, of which name has told everything about the song.
If It's the Beaches, The Avett Brothers
Every relationship has its ups and downs and hopefully, yours will have more ups. This song is one that you'll want her to listen to in those times when your relationships seem to be going through some troubles. It will express to her just how much you can't bear to be without her.
Your Love, The Outfield
One of the more recognizable hits from the 80's, this is the perfect song for newer relationships. Not only will it bring you both down memory lane, but you just can't help but sing along.
Thinkin' Bout You, Frank Ocean
Relationships shouldn't be about playing games even though so many people treat them that way. This song cuts straight to the point and you will let her know you aren't interested in playing hard to get or hiding what you feel.
Shut Up Kiss Me, Angel Olsen
If your girlfriend likes things to be more straightforward, then this is one of the songs to dedicate to your girlfriend. The lyrics will let her know exactly how you feel in the moment and give you a boost of confidence to just make a move.
Make You Feel My Love, Adele
Adele sings about making her man feel her love and this song will make your girlfriend feel the same. The lyrics, tempo and Adele's powerhouse vocal make this the perfect song play for your girlfriend.
All of Me, John Legend
What girl wouldn't fall for this song? If you want to let her know how devoted you are to her, then you can't go wrong with this one. The lyrics combined with John Legend's voice are the whole package when it comes to creating the perfect love song.
Thinking Out Loud, Ed Sheeran
Want to let your girlfriend know that what you feel for her isn't going to change anytime? Then this is the song to play. Not only will it have her thinking about your relationship now, but also what it will be like in the future.
I Won't Give Up, Jason Mraz
Life is going to throw curve balls at your relationship and sometimes you need to reassure her that no matter what gets thrown at you two, you're not going anywhere. When you want to let her know that no matter what you aren't giving up on the two of you, then this is the perfect song to remind her.
Your Everything, Keith Urban
A little country never hurt anyone and this country hit by Keith Urban will speak straight to her heartstrings. This is one of the songs to dedicate to your girlfriend that will let her know how much you not only appreciate all she does for you, but how much you simply just love the person she is.
Lovesong, The Cure
With lyrics like “You make me feel like I'm home again”, you are sure to let your girlfriend know in a subtle way how much you adore her. You'll let her know how you are feeling about her even if you haven't had the courage to tell her to her face just yet.
With or Without You, U2
Just about everyone has heard of this song by U2 and there's a reason why it is played and loved by so many couples. It tells the good and the bad of relationships in a romantic and relatable way.
My Heart Sings, 311
If you are trying to plan the perfect date night, then include this song in the evening's playlist. Its mellow pace and seductive lyrics will set the mood. You both will get lost in the rhythm of this song and simply enjoy being with one another.
Echo, Incubus
Sometimes it is not in the grand gestures that will get the biggest reactions and this song is dedicated to focusing on the smaller details that caused you to fall for her. The lyrics will let her know there is a deeper connection you feel for her and it is because of the simple things that you have made this connection.
Beautiful Soul, Jesse McCartney
When you want her to know that there is nothing about her that you would change, this is the song to play. It will let her know that all the things that make her unique are the things you fell in love with. Let her know that what you feel for her is not just a physical attraction.
Love Story, Taylor Swift
It may not be your typical love song, but it still gets the point across. This one makes it on our songs to dedicate to your girlfriend playlist because Taylor's voice just reels you in and the lyrics are just too catchy to ignore.
You Are So Beautiful, Joe Cocker
When you simply want to remind her of how much you appreciate her, then this is what you want her to hear. Not only will she know how much you love all that she does for you, but that you love the way she looks as well.
Young and Beautiful, Lana Del Rey
When you want to let her know that you will love her through all the years, this is the song to play. What woman would be swept off her feet is knowing her boyfriend will still love her even when she is old and not so beautiful.
In Your Room, The Bangles
Want to rekindle the spice you had at the beginning of your relationship? This one by The Bangles is sure to do just that. It will remind her of all the alone time you used to spend together and that maybe you need to spend a little more alone time together.
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